Friday, November 13, 2009

This Weekend

Two of our riders are not going to be on their bikes this weekend, rather they are going to be standing for 36 hours in the Indiana University Dance Marathon. To date, the event as raised over $7 million. Good luck to them.

For those of us that are riding, we will be enduring the Nashville 90.  The ride should take about 6 hours.  Shane and Dave have never ridden more than 4 hours at a time so I am assuming that this will be a big challenge for all of us.

I am going to setup an alumni riding event for early spring.  The event will be an easy paced 30 mile ride.  I really want to get a large group alumni out in Bloomington to enjoy a ride and have a good time.


1 comment:

  1. Erik, good work with the Beta cycling blog. Not sure when you are taking the winter break trip, but we (you, me, David and any of the other Beta Indy guys) should get together for a ride or two over winter break. Let me know if you guys are interested.

    Mark Hoffman (Morris Trucking kit)
